Rural Well Water SamplingSince 2006, the EIWD has worked with the Provincial Groundwater department and the Office of Drinking Water to assess the health of the aquifer in the Eastern Interlake. An aquifer is the source of underground water from which most of the interlake residents get their drinking water.
The goal of this project is to test individual rural wells that are actively being used. With permission of the landowner, EIWD staff collect information (such as location and well condition) about private wells and sample well water for bacteria and nitrates. If the well water sample fails drinking water guidelines due to the presence of bacteria, the landowner will be provided with information to correct the problem and a new sample will be taken after two months. The testing is free for the landowner and the results are sent back to the participant but never made available to the general public. This program is partially funded by Manitoba Water Stewardship. The data from this program allows the EIWD to create programs and management plans that meet the needs of watershed residents and develop a 'source water protection plan' to ensure the source of the drinking water is safe for years to come. Click on your watershed to see the EIWD groundwater report: |
Wells Sampled Since 2006 |